
Made by Echo and Airpod

Version prod+0855744b

punchmade.xyz opsec Tutorial

by Airpod

1. This the MOST important thing on this list as it protects your information and your computer from any kind of harm. Portmaster is like your average anti-virus except it shows specifically all the connections on your pc. THis is the description on their site: Portmaster is a free and open-source application firewall that does the heavy lifting for you. Restore privacy and take back control over all your computer's network activity.
2. Do NOT use any browser other then librewolf, people saying use duckduckgo do not know what they are talking about as its literally just a modified version of chrome which the only features are it uses the duckduckgo search engine and blocks browser extensions to (protect your privacy) chrome is already the worst browser for privacy 😂. Librewolf is a modified version of firefox which is the #1 best browser for your privacy. The features it has added from stock firefox are specifically for privacy and security only. The complete list of features can be found here.
https://librewolf.net/docs/features/3. VPNS, honestly the best vpn is hands down mullvlad, it doesn't require you to sing up with an email or username, You login using a code which is literally your account identifier. And it's based in Sweden which has strong privacy laws, which means that Mullvlad is not obliged to provide any user data unless VERY specific legal circumstances.

4. For email use https://mail.tutanota.com/?r=/mail its also a foreign email service and is built around privacy.